VHF DSS Exams, a legal requirement for all users of vhf radios.
We have 4 spaces left – minimum age 16:
- Contact urbantruant.co.ukor 01489 250040 to book your online course. Please tell them that I am examining so that they post the relevant forms to me. The cost is £60 and includes an ebook and the course which should take less than 10 hours to complete. Pre reading the book is very beneficial to understanding the course. At the end of the course print off your certificate which you will need to bring with you to the exam. If you want to borrow an actual book I can lend you one or they will send it, whatever works best for you.
- Email annabelfinding@gmail.comasap to arrange your exam slot. I can examine a maximum of 6 in one session. I plan to hold exams 1000-1200 Saturday 18th May In the upstairs room at the Alderney Wildlife Trust.There is a half hour written exam checking your knowledge followed by a practical test using actual radios, all in a pretty friendly atmosphere!
- Contact the RYA at RYA.org.ukto book your exam. Cost £70 paid directly to RYA. Print off and fill in details on your application form.
5. IMPORTANT: On the day of the exam you need to bring a passport photo, your application form , your course completion certificate and a pen. We will hold the exam in the upstairs room at the Wildlife Trust. If you are not a member of the sailing club there will be a £5 cash fee for use of their equipment. £5 donation to AWT too please for use of their room.
6. I send off paperwork. You receive your licence to your home address.
Do call me, Annabel Finding, on 07911 737948 if you have any further questions. Annabelfinding@gmail.com