AGM 2022 – date: 24 February 18:30h at the Clubhouse

The Alderney Sailing Club wishes to remind all members that the AGM will take place at the Club premises on
Thursday 24th February 2022 at 18:30.

Your attention is drawn to the following:

Rule 5(b): Nominations for Club Officers and Committee Members must be notified to the Hon. Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM and must contain the name of the Candidate together with details of their respective Proposer and Seconder.

Nomination forms are on display on the glass cabinet in the front entrance lobby of the Club.

N.B: All serving Officers and Committee Members are eligible for re-election.

Rule 7(c): Members wishing to raise matters at the AGM must notify the Hon. Secretary in Writing before 15 January 2022 so that these may be included in the  Agenda.